Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay about The Myth of the Phoenix - 1459 Words

The Phoenix The Phoenix is a mythical sacred firebird that can be found in many mythologies from the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans. The legend of the Phoenix has been around for centuries, it’s a supernatural creature with a life of a thousand years. Once its life is up it will cast itself in flames, and as it dies it will be reborn again from its own ashes. The Phoenix has long been presented as a symbol of rebirth, immortality, and renewal. The Phoenix can be interpreted in various ways; lets explore and define this mythical creature that is reborn from its ashes. What does the Phoenix tell us, we will first explore Amy Clampitts view and representation of the Phoenix. Amy concentrates on the flaming burning death of the bird†¦show more content†¦In line ten Amy Clampitt writes â€Å"nurseries of the ultimate enterprise†, here she may refer to the â€Å"nurseries â€Å" as our children of the future becoming the enterprise of soldiers and war. â€Å"The rotten fabric of our repose connives with doomsday†, this tells us that while we rest assured that pain will come again as doomsday. â€Å"Sleep on, scathed felicity. Sleep, rare and perishable relic.† Amy Clampitt says here to try and sleep on scorched damaged happiness, but sleep infrequently because the past is with us and alive. In Her last line she encapsulates Berceuse with a fantastic conclusion â€Å"Imagining ‘s no shutter against the absolute incorrigible sunrise†, in her existential resonance of the phoenix she believes as long as there is a sunrise then horrible things will continue to repeat themselves. Amy Clampitt also addresses not to bring memory to what happened during the Holocaust, for there is assurance that the dreadful past will repeat itself. As mesmerizing as the legend of the Phoenix may be, its fiery death to Amy Clampitt is viewed as a painful suffering that is relived through humanity. Denise Levertov takes a different approach to the Phoenix. Hunting the Phoenix was slightly more difficult to analyze its continuity. I feel that what Denise Levertov is trying to deliver through the meaning of the Phoenix is a lesson of life and learning. 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